Who We Are

We are simply a group of Christians.

If you ask us, "What kind of Christians?" we don't really know how to answer that. We are just Christians. God gave believers that name in the beginning when the church began (1 Pet. 4:16; Acts 11:26). Why would we wear any other name?

We're not part of a denominational organization because such organizations are nowhere to be found in God's Word.

We are a completely independent group of Christians and our loyalty is to no man or group of men. We wear the name of Christ because it is Christ whom we serve, and our aim is to follow His teaching in the 21st century just as loyal Christians of the 1st century did.

As for creeds, we have none other than the Bible itself.

Creeds are written by men; they elevate one truth above another; their nature is to divide. We accept all of the Bible as truth and are determined to follow only the Bible, the word of God, with deep respect for God's authority, so that we may love God by keeping His commandments (John 15:14).

Our Plea:

The religious world of our day is one of confusion and division, even though the Bible makes it clear that Jesus is not pleased with religious division (1 Corinthians 1:10; John 17:20,21). It seems hardly a year passes without the birth of a new religion and doctrine. Indeed, the Bible tells us that some would "turn away from the truth" (2 Timothy 4:1-4; Acts 20:28-30).

In view of today's religious denominationalism, many people are asking:  "Is there any way to be sure that we are following the one faith authored by the Lord?" "Can the unity of the early Christians be obtained in the 21st century?"

We at Prince Street firmly believe the answer to both questions is YES. If people will commit themselves to follow only the Bible, as they should, everyone can know the one faith and be united in it.

And that is our plea. 

When Jesus the Lord came to this world, He declared that He would build His church (Matthew 16:18). Jesus' plan for His church, as described in the NT, provided the basis for unity. When the apostles delivered Jesus' plan for His church, the apostle Paul commanded Christians to maintain the "unity of the Spirit" by recognizing, among other things, that there is only one body (church), one faith, and one baptism (Ephesians 4:4,5; 1:22-23). 

We plead with all to submit to the authority of the New Testament teaching about the one church that belongs to  Christ. We call upon all to stop participating in the division caused by the teachings of men. We beg all to come out of denominationalism and give up man-made creeds, names, and practices.

The apostle Peter said, "If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God" (1 Peter 4:11). Only when we teach God's truth and not our own opinions or creeds can we have confidence that we are nothing more or less than the church found in the New Testament. Only then can we be just Christians (Acts 11:26), part of the universal body of Christ. And only then can we be members of one of the local "churches of Christ" (Romans 16:16).  

We invite you to come and visit with us anytime you may have the opportunity. We also invite anyone who would be interested in having a personal Bible study to contact us via the "contact" link and we would love the opportunity to get together and talk about God's Word with you!